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Meyer Sound- Snob Productions Success Story

Less than a year after purchasing its Meyer Sound MINA and MICA line array loudspeaker systems, Snob Productions of Grand Junction, Colo. reports a steep climb in business activity, profitability, and customer satisfaction. It has become a dominant sound company in western Colorado and eastern Utah, and a favored provider for events in the nearby resort town of Telluride.

"I can honestly say that, from the first time we brought MINA to Telluride, our business exploded," states David Wall, CEO of Snob Productions. "After 18 years in business we were well-known in the area, but this quantum leap in sound quality and setup efficiency has paid off 10 times over. The sound quality alone has landed us job after job."

Wall recalls the first time he used a MINA system for a Telluride event. "The quality just blew everybody away," he says. "We were immediately booked for the town's entire summer Sunset Concert Series of 14 shows, with another dozen lined up throughout the year. We'll be doing everything from bluegrass to indie rock and reggae."

Snob Productions' initial system investment comprised 12 MINA loudspeakers, two 700-HP subwoofers and a Galileo loudspeaker management system with one Galileo 616 processor. Business was so successful with the MINA system that it was soon followed by a second investment in 12 MICA loudspeakers, two 1100-LFC low-frequency control elements, and an additional Galileo 616 processor. The MICA system has already supported events that include Telluride's Mountain Town Get Down festival, Kansas, Iration, and Black Label Society, with upcoming bookings including Don McLean and a main stage at the Telluride Blues and Brews Festival.

"These Meyer Sound systems have opened up our clients' ears by demonstrating what a real, high-quality PA sounds like," says Wall. "Also, our corporate clients really appreciate the speed and efficiency of setup."

May, 2015

Check out the original story here:

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