Well, technically we never left. We we're making sure our friends and family we're safe and secure just like the rest of our community. The year 2020 will go down in history. This new year of 2021 may go with it as possibly one of the greatest come backs in our industry. See, in the early months of 2020 concerts, clubs, corporate events, and so much more abruptly shut down without warning due to Covid 19. Multiple events were being cancelled on a daily basis until... nothing. Our gear sat in cases and on the shelves not knowing when they would see the light on a stage again.

We stayed resilient. Of course we had our rough moments but the strength of our Snob family as a whole proved to be much greater than any rough patch anyone within Snob faced. Now we are seeing an incline once again, though not of Covid 19, but of our communities coming back together to enjoy good food, great music, and the best of company.

We can't predict the future. All we can do is hope for the best for everyone. One thing we can say is the phones are ringing again here at the office, we are feeling optimistic and we have a plan of action moving forward. We greatly look forward to seeing everyone again as we begin moving our trucks down the road to your next event!
Cheers to 2021!